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English translation for "radiant heat flux"


Related Translations:
geocentric radiant:  地心辐射点
radiant cup:  辐射杯
radiant exposure:  辐射曝露量辐射照射辐照量曝辐量
radiant energy:  放射能, 辐射能辐射能量
radiant heater:  辐射发热管辐射发热器辐射加的顺辐射加热器辐射取暖装置辐射热体辐射式供暖器辐射式加热炉
radiant boiler:  辐射锅炉辐射型锅炉
radiant phoenix:  艳阳丹凤
radiant complexion:  面色润泽
radiant ceiling:  辐射采暖顶棚
radiant heating:  电热器辐射采暖辐射供热辐射供暧辐射加热辐射热取暖辐射式供热辐射透热加热,辐射热供暖
Example Sentences:
1.It is very difficult to analyze flame radiation in the cylinder of a diesel engine by theoretical method since flame radiation is a function of many parameters , such as the combustion process , the geometrical description of the chamber , the soot formation and oxidation processes , the soot radiant temperature and soot absorption coefficient . the radiant property of the flame in a cylinder is dependent on the combustion process . but the thermodynamic state of real engine cycles can be analyzed from the pressure - volume diagrams in the cylinder . thus a new thermodynamic computational model is set up for the flame radiation in the cylinder of a diesel engine based on the indirect relationship between the flame radiation and the pressure - volume diagram of the combustion process in this paper . the flame radiant heat flux in the cylinder of a di diesel engine is calculated with the variation of crank angle by this model . compared with measured values , the result of the computational values shows the model is available to represent the effects of flame radiation
Similar Words:
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